La Validation par un tiers



This page is in the process of being updated. In the meantime, here is some basic information. 

In the previous step (Step 2 “Improve”), financial service providers seek to identify and address gaps in their client protection practices. As those gaps are closed, many financial service providers move on to Step 3 “Report,” seeking third-party validation for their improved state of practice.

Third-party validations may take the form of assessments or certifications. They may be conducted by individual consultants or by rating agencies. Cerise+SPTF makes intensive, ongoing training available to consultants and to agency staff so that they can build their expertise and credibility in client protection evaluation. The highest standard of that training is reached through #3-Qualification process, which consists of a personalized and individual coaching on a real client protection assessment. Qualified Client Protection auditors are part of the Social and Environmental Performance Management Professionals Network (SEPM Pros Network), a pool of experts  who are trained and qualified in our tools and methodology, and actively involved with Cerise+SPTF, conducting regular CP or SEPM activities.

Learn more about the Qualification process for individuals [Link Pending].

*Please note that Cerise+SPTF has not investigated or confirmed compliance by the third-parties with the Guidelines and Client Protection framework, nor does it recommend, endorse or make any representations regarding the third-parties listed below. The Cerise+SPTF Standards are a public good and may be downloaded here.

Cerise+SPTF will also be publishing Voluntary Guidelines [Link Pending] and Terms of Reference (Guidelines and ToR) which financial service providers (or the impact investors who fund them) can use when seeking to hire a third party provider to carry out an external validation. The Guidelines and ToR provide recommendations regarding the professional and ethical standards to which we believe external reviewers should be held, along with the qualifications we believe they should possess.

The third-parties listed below have confirmed that they will voluntarily align with the Guidelines consistent with any relevant regulatory obligations in the jurisdictions where they operate:*


  • Coming soon 

Qualified Client Protection auditors:

The SEPM Pros Network brings together experts who are trained and qualified on the Universal Standards, the Client Protection Standards and the SPI tools. These experts are available to conduct third-party validations, as well as to support financial service providers, impact investors and other actors in the sector to advance their social and environmental performance goals.

Si vous souhaitez obtenir une certification en matière de protection des clients, vous pouvez contacter directement les organismes suivants, qui sont actuellement agréés par Cerise+SPTF :





Provisional status with oversight and training from Cerise+SPTF



Octobre 2023

Statut provisoire pour 2023 avec supervision et formation par Cerise+SPTF

Cerise+SPTF accorde des "agréments" aux organismes qui souhaitent effectuer des certifications de protection des clients. Un"organisme de certification agréé" est une organisation structurée et enregistrée qui possède les systèmes robustes pour assurer une prise de décision les décisions de les capacités Les certifications sont conduites selon la méthodologie de Cerise+SPTF, alignée sur les Normes Universelles. Cela garantit la qualité et la comparabilité des résultats des certifications.

Parce qu'ils se voient confier l'importante responsabilité de juger les mécanismes de protection des clients d'un prestataire de services financiers, les organismes de certification sont eux-mêmes soumis à une évaluation et à un suivi rigoureux par le comité d'approbation de Cerise+SPTF. En tant que tels, ils se conforment à nos Conditions générales d'utilisation.