Exploring Innovative Approaches to Measure and Manage Outcomes in relation with the SDGs
Purpose: Promote strong outcomes management by financial service providers, investors, and other mission-driven organizations, through the sharing of good practices, development and dissemination of resources and tools, and direct support to mission-driven organizations to measure outcomes on their clients and beneficiaries against the Sustainable Development Goals’ metrics.
Members: Open to all.
Languages: Most resources are available in French and English.
Team: Célia Fernandez, Head of Impact Program (Cerise), Cécile Lapenu, Executive Director (Cerise), and Amelia Greenberg, Deputy Director (SPTF).
In collaboration with the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP).

With support from

Recent Publications
Research Paper
Doing Good and Avoiding Harm
Cerise+SPTF, in collaboration with MFR and 60 Decibels, conducted a research study to explore the correlations between Social Performance Management (SPM) practices and customer outcomes. Through this research, we sought insights into what management practices are critical to making financial services beneficial to customers while avoiding customer harm, to guide future improvements in the sector.
The research combined data from 72 unique financial services providers (FSPs). Specifically, the data sources were:
- Cerise+SPTF: SPI Full and ALINUS3 audits, which assess SPM practices.
- MFR: Social audit (assessing SPM practices) and Impact Assessments (assessing outcomes).
- 60 Decibels: Microfinance Index data, which capture customer outcomes.
The dataset included 73 different variables on different management practices as well as a wide range of customer outcomes.
The analysis tested two main hypotheses:
- Stronger SPM practices are associated with better customer outcomes.
- Weaker customer protection (CP) practices are associated with worse customer outcomes.
Blog Post
From Outcomes to Impact
How strong outcomes management systems can help financial service providers make the right decisions for their customers
Through a blog post with FinDev Gateway, we discuss how financial service providers like Juhudi Kilimo in Kenya use outcomes management to assess and improve customer impact. By regularly collecting and analyzing customer data, FSPs can adapt services, improve customer resilience, and align with the Sustainable Development Goals, leading to new funding opportunities.
The world has rallied behind the Sustainable Development Goals, a set of 17 goals, ratified by every United Nations member state, that provides a roadmap to a world of environmental health and human flourishing. Since 2014, Cerise and SPTF have been working on identifying the needs for standard indicators, practical guidance and support for financial service providers and their partners in matter of outcomes measurement and management. In October 2020, Cerise launched a program called “Make the SDGs a roadmap for impact!”, co-financed by AFD’s CSO Initiatives Mechanism and monitored by the “LabODD” working group (ODD is the French acronym for SDGs). Cerise+SPTF now operates under the Sustainable Outcomes Working Group, drawing on the experience of the SPTF’s “Outcomes Working Group” which has developed practical guidelines for credible measurement and reporting of outcomes.
Archives from SPTF Outcomes Working Group (2014-2018)
Webinar 1 – Introduction to the issues for the Outcomes Working Group.
Webinar 2 – Theory of change: how it helps us think about what to measure and when.
Webinar 3 – Selection of Outcome Indicators.
Webinar 4 – The CGAP Ford Social Indicators Project.
Webinar 5 – Sharing the experience of IDEPRO *EN ESPANOL.
Webinar 6 – Sharing the experience of Cashpor *EN ESPANOL.
Webinar 7 – Sharing the experience of Friendship Bridge *EN ESPANOL.
Webinar 8 – Towards recommended core indicators: 1 Business Outcomes.
Webinar 9 – Towards recommended core indicators: 2 Assets, Housing, Economic Poverty.
Webinar 10 – Towards recommended core indicators: 3 Resilience and Vulnerability.
Webinar 11 – Sharing the experience of Women’s World Banking *EN ESPANOL.
Webinar 12 – Opportunities for Outcomes Management in MSME finance.
Webinar 13 – Building the System for Outcomes Management, Komida (Indonesia).
Webinar 14 – FINCA Experience with Outcomes Management.
Webinar 15 – Indicators of Financial Stress, Including Over-indebtedness.
Webinar 16 – Fundacion Paraguaya’s Poverty Spotlight Tool and the Truelift Initiative.
Webinar 17 – MIX Discusses Results from Voice of the Client Research.
Webinar 18 – IPA shares what is new with the PPI
Webinar 19 – Fundación Genesis Empresarial shares its client outcomes management system
Webinar 20 – Findings from the SIDBI-funded study on gender integration in microfinance
Webinar 21 – Findings from an impact study on KWFT’s housing microfinance product
Between 2014-18, SPTF hosted a series of Outcomes Working Group webinars that started by introducing key concepts and then featured expert interviews that shared how different types of stakeholders collect outcomes data and use it to make strategic decisions that ultimately drive better outcomes for both providers and their clients.
WEBINAR 1 – Introductory session, October 2014
WEBINAR 2 – Theory of change: how it helps us think about what to measure and when, December 2014 and March 2015
Bamboo Finance reports that it has been using impact maps/theory of change for a while, and is happy to share its Impact Report 2014 with you. On page 15 of this report, there is a full map for a deposit-taking FSP. Download the report here.
Presentación PowerPoint
WEBINAR 3 – Selection of Outcomes Indicators, February 2015
Presentación PowerPoint
Click here for Freedom From Hunger’s paper on Health Outcome Performance Indicators (HOPI) Project Report (2015)
WEBINAR 3 (repeat) – Selection of Outcomes Indicators, April 2015
SEEP and Microcredit Summit co-hosted, “Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise: How FSPs Can Track the Health of Clients.”
Blog: Health Outcome Performance Indicators will help us “understand clients”
WEBINAR 4 – CGAP/Ford Foundation Social Indicators Project, September 2015
The following technical notes were developed by SEEP based on the experience of the Social Indicators Project:
SEEP Microfinane social indicators in practice
SEEP sampling methodology for social indicators
SEEP why use social indicators?
WEBINAR 5 – Sharing the experience of IDEPRO, October 2015
Due to technical difficulties, our recording for this session here has about 9 minutes of space after minute 21:47. Please forward to minute 30:56 to continue listening. We apologize for the inconveneince and thank you for your understanding.
MIX Market’s webinar on their “Voice of the Client” project, November 2015
Read the paper: An Analysis of Client Satisfaction and Consumer Protection Across Four Microfinance Institutions in India
WEBINAR 6 – Sharing the experience of Cashpor, November 2015
PowerPoint *EN ESPANOL
WEBINAR 7 – Sharing the experience of Friendship Bridge, January 2016
WEBINAR 8 – Indicators to track business outcomes, March 2016
WEBINAR 9 – Indicators to track Poverty/Assets/Housing Outcomes, March 2016
WEBINAR 10 – Indicators to track Resilience and Vulnerability Outcomes, April 2016
WEBINAR 11 -Sharing the experience of Women’s World Banking, May 2016
WEBINAR 12 – Opportunities for outcomes management in MSME finance, July 2016
WEBINAR 13 – Building the System for Outcomes Management in Komida, Indonesia, July 2016
WEBINAR 14 – FINCA’s Approach to Outcomes Measurement and Analysis, October 2016
WEBINAR 15 – Early Signs of Client Stress and Over-indebtedness, February 2017
Working list of outcome indicators in several outcome areas – in English en español
Client Outcomes Report – in English en español
WEBINAR 16 – Poverty Spotlight Tool of Fundacion Paraguaya and the Truelift Initiative, October 2017
PowerPoint presentations:
– Poverty Spotlight Tool
– Truelift
Other resources:
– Evaluation (Sep 2017). Changing aspirations through poverty measurement – the Poverty Spotlight tool [Hammler and Burt]
– Evaluation (June 2014). The Poverty Spotlight: Does personalized coaching in microfinance help clients overcome poverty? [Accion]
– Evaluation (December 2013): Measuring the Social Impact of Fundaction Paraguaya [EAConsultants]
– Appendix to evaluation (December 2013): Measuring the Social Impact of Fundaction Paraguaya [EAConsultants]
WEBINAR 17 – MIX Discusses Results from Voice of the Client Research, November 2017
WEBINAR 18 – IPA Discusses What Is New with the Poverty Probability Index (PPI), December 2017
WEBINAR 19 – Fundación Genesis Empresarial client outcomes management system, January 2018
WEBINAR 20 – SIDBI-funded study on Gender Integration in Microfinance, May 2018
WEBINAR 21 – Findings on the Impact of KWFT’s Housing Microfinance Product, Developed in Collaboration with Habitat for Humanity