RIFF-CAC Webinars


Building resilience in inclusive finance organization: 

July 12, 2022. This webinar presents the new guide on how to build both individual and organizational resilience, presented by Oricel Caminero (Achieve Consulting) and moderated by Cara Forster (SPTF). Using the conceptual framework for resilience from Hello Driven, Caminero outlines very practical steps that financial organizations can take to prepare for a more resilient response to the next crisis, as well as recommended actions and implementation tips for during and after a crisis. The guide includes experiences in resilient response to the pandemic from 12 institutions from six Latin American countries, including Fundación Paraguaya, who shares their experience during the webinar.  There’s also a tool as an annex that guides the reader through a series of activities on how to build personal resilience.


E-learning platforms to support recovery and resilience: 
October 7, 2021. This webinar presents four e-learning platforms that are available to financial service providers (FSPs) to support the education of their clients and their staff. REDCAMIF presents its EDUFIN platform, which offers financial education for clients. SUMA Financiera (Panama) shares its experience in implementing EDUFIN and how it can be adjusted to suit your institution. ACCION presents its Ovante platform, which offers education for clients on managing their resources and businesses during the crisis. Banco Pichincha (Ecuador) shares its experience in using Ovante materials with its clients. Mosabi presents its platform that offers financial education and credit risk analysis for FSPs. REDIMIF introduces its e-REDIMIF platform, which offers asynchronous online courses for FSP staff on various professional development topics. FDL (Guatemala) presents its experience in providing this benefit to its personnel.
Case Study


Privacy by Design:
August 31, 2021. Every financial service provider has the responsibility to maintain the privacy and security of its clients’ data. While it may seem like an overwhelming task, it is within reach. In this webinar, the essential elements of client privacy data is defined and discusses the “privacy by design” approach to client protection. Together, the panelists will help you understand privacy by design theory, how it applies at your organization, and what it looks like in practice.
Questionnaire (in Spanish)


Ethics by Design: 
July 22, 2021. The digitization caused by the pandemic gives us the opportunity as a sector to build more responsible products and business models because we are now building them many times from scratch in their digital versions. We will look at the ethics by design framework and how ethics functions as the foundation for interactions with microfinance clients, for both traditional and digital services. An expert on the subject, attorney Daniel Medina, explains the ethics by design framework, its importance, and how to monitor and follow up on the issue in microfinance institutions. Karen Larson, the CEO of Friendship Bridge in Guatemala, shares her perspective as the leader of a financial institution that uses ethics as the basis for strategic planning and service design and how this approach has impacted her relationships with clients.


Strategies for supporting the recovery and adaptation of client businesses to COVID-19:
May 27, 2021. The SPTF COVID-19 Client Interview Tool revealed that many client businesses were severely impacted by COVID-19 and the measures taken to prevent its spread. Although many clients are back to work, many have found their original businesses are no longer viable and have had to switch to a new business, rebuild entirely, or fundamentally alter how they work. This webinar will explore the strategies that Friendship Bridge in Guatemala and Movimiento Manuela Ramos’s CrediMujer program in Peru are using to help their clients rebuild and adapt.
Covid Client Survey Paper


A year Later: COVID Lessons & the Way Forward:
May 18, 2021. The Caribbean Microfinance Alliance (CMFA), in collaboration with SPTF, hosted an online interregional dialogue about the lessons learned through responding to the pandemic, how to build resilience in institutions and among clients, and the role of SPM in their responses. Financial institutions from Jamaica, Granada, Dominican Republic, and Cambodia share what they have learned navigating COVID-19 and highlighting best practices in microfinance that can help to build resilience going forward.


Practical ways to address gender-related risks at your organization: 
May 4, 2021. This webinar explores how FSPs can better meet the needs of female employees and customers. Dimension 2 of the Universal Standards focuses on leadership’s role in creating a culture of commitment to SPM. We will hear from two FSPs who have made this a priority. In collaboration with Grameen Foundation, CREDICAMPO of El Salvador and ODEF Financiera of Honduras participated in a training and a rapid assessment that focused on gender-related risks and opportunities. Executives from these organizations will discuss how the training and assessment influenced both internal staff management and their attention to client needs, with emphasis on female and other vulnerable clients. Participants will gain new ideas for evaluating and addressing gender-related risks at their own institutions.


Webinar on Responsible Digital Transformation: The Case of Hermandad de Honduras: 
April 29, 2021. In this webinar, Hermandad de Honduras (HDH) will share its successful process of responsible digital transformation. HDH managed to reduce the time required for processing a disbursement by 80%, increase the average number of clients per business advisor by 24%, reduce the number of customer visits by 75%, and integrate the new HDH Móvil application to the institution’s MIS. This investment allowed them to continue offering services without major interruptions during the pandemic. This webinar and its accompanying case study will inspire and guide other financial institutions that are planning their digital transformation. This webinar was conducted in Spanish with simultaneous interpretation into English.
Case Study


Webinar on Good Agent Networks in Difficult Markets: 
March 25, 2021. FINCA International knows the pain and triumph of finding and developing effective agent networks in difficult markets. Across the LAC region, FINCA was faced with a decision: use existing agent networks or build its own. In the end, they did both! The consultant for that project, Gerry Lanigan, will share insights into the essential features of successful agent networks and how to know which markets may require building FSP-specific agent networks versus leveraging existing infrastructure and enhancing it through strategic partnerships.


The innovation fund FINCA Forward supported the proof of concept for a unique liquidity management solution that provides e-float for one day as overdraft protection for agents. Josh Kirton, Investment Director at FINCA, will present this exciting example from Tanzania that provided economic benefits to clients, agents, and financial service providers alike.
HapaCash Case Study


Webinar on MLajan: Dominica’s First Digital Marketplace:
February 25, 2021. Over the last two years, the Dominican Cooperative Societies Limited (DCSL), has worked tirelessly to develop a holistic digital marketplace that meets its customers’ needs for inclusive and responsible financial services delivered via an App on their mobile phones. This month, the project–called MLajan–moves into its public phase with functionality including mobile banking, merchant payments, government cash transfers, and financial literacy information. MLajan is the first digital, bank agnostic, mobile wallet in Dominica and will allow anyone owning a phone to become financially included. In the near to medium term, DCSL hopes to expand to the whole Eastern Caribbean and to add Blockchain to the platform to make it more stable during natural disasters. Join us to learn more about this comprehensive digital marketplace and how it was created.


Webinar on Building Resilient Leaders: 
June 24, 2020. This webinar began with small break out discussions on the results of the individual resilience test assigned in the previous webinar (https://www.psychometrictest.org.uk/resilience-test/). Oricel Caminero presented a framework with six components of resilience and the steps to improve on them. She laid out the objectives for resilient leaders to demonstrate these competencies and set the tone for building resilience in their institutions.


Webinar on Introduction to Institutional Resilience:
June 10, 2020. This webinar began with a facilitated dialogue among participants from across the Caribbean region, representing a variety of FSPs, who discussed their current challenges as they begin reopening their economies after the COVID-19 related lockdowns. Some countries benefit from government support and some do not; some countries have recently reopened their economies, while others will begin later in June.  All the FSPs are experiencing challenges related to liquidity, portfolio quality, adjusting to staff working remotely, and supporting clients whose lives and livelihoods have been drastically affected by the pandemic. The second portion of the webinar features expert trainer Oricel Caminero introducing the concept of resiliency and presenting a framework for building resiliency both within people and institutions.


Webinar on Resources to Respond to the COVID-19 Crisis:
May 6, 2020. This webinar discusses the effects on the Caribbean of the covid-19 pandemic and presents an overview of SPTF’s tools and resources that are available to help FSPs design their response to the crisis.
PowerPoint Presentation


Webinar on the Kenya Summit:
August, 15, 2019. The focus of this webinar was the discussion on Responsible Digital Finance that took place at SPTF Annual Summit in Nairobi, Kenya in June.


If you have any question, please contact Aracely Castillo at a.castillo@redcamif.org or the SPTF at ffricac@sptfnetwork.org.