Jacqueline Mbabazi
Association of Microfinance Institutions of Uganda
Jacqueline is the Executive Director of the Association of Microfinance Institutions of Uganda (AMFIU). Her experience spans over 18 years in the areas of financial inclusion with specific focuses on microfinance, rural development, and support for small- and medium-sized enterprises.
While working as a Programs Director at AMFIU, she spearheaded the introduction of social performance management in the Uganda microfinance sector and secured buy-in from the AMFIU members, regulators, development partners, and government on the importance of social performance management.
Prior to joining AMFIU, she worked with the Microfinance Outreach Plan Project under the Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development and began her career at the Microfinance Support Center Ltd., a government-owned credit wholesale lending company.
Jacqueline has also served on various boards and technical committees that, among others, have included the Uganda Microfinance Regulatory Authority, SOLUTI Finance East Africa Ltd, the MasterCard Foundation Micro and Small Enterprise Recovery Fund, and the National Advisory Council for Consumer Protection.
She has a master’s degree in Business Administration and has received specialized training in microfinance and enterprise development from several in-country and international institutions.