Cara S. Forster
Cara Forster has worked with SPTF since 2012, managing Spanish-language communications and outreach to members in Latin America and the Caribbean as well as managing the Responsible and Inclusive Finance Facility for Central America and the Caribbean (RIFF-CAC). She has also been heavily involved in the revision of the Universal Standards for Social and Environmental Performance Management, the development of indicators for the associated social audit tool (SPI), and the development of training materials and webinars on these topics.
From 2010 to 2012 Cara was the Program Manager for Network Development Services at The SEEP Network, where her work focused on capacity building for microfinance networks, with an emphasis on consumer protection. From 2008 to 2010 Cara helped launch the Center for Financial Inclusion and the Smart Campaign in her capacity as Program Manager for the Double Bottom Line at ACCION International. Her work there centered on defining consumer protection in microfinance, helping pioneer the Smart assessment methodology, and managing tool creation for the Smart Campaign. Prior to her work with ACCION, she spent four years in environmental consulting, designing performance measures and conducting project evaluations for several programs of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Her interest in microfinance began in 2000 with her Peace Corps service in Nicaragua, where she coordinated a small savings and loan cooperative for single mothers and provided financial literacy and business development training. She has a bachelor’s degree in environmental science from Harvard College and a master’s in sustainable development from Duke University.