Garanties minimales

Latest Version:

This document was developed in close cooperation over many months by asset managers and investors in the financial inclusion industry.  We particularly wish to thank for their active sub-group contributions Alice Rullier-Maugüé and Edouard Sers of Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation, Camila Castaneda Quintero of Invest in Vision, Cécile Lapenu of CERISE, Farida Abdulhafizova of Enabling Qapital AG, Mariella Llontop of Bank Im Bistum Essen eG, and Michael Crayne and Pascal Spreen of FS Finance.

We would like also to thank for their feedback our peers from Actiam, ASN Impact Investors, Blue Orchard, Innpact, LMDF, Finance in Motion, Incofin, Symbiotics, and Triple Jump.  

If you have any questions about this document, please contact Edouard Sers at